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Paragraph on Problems of Our Farmers

A farmer is someone who works on a farm. They often cannot read or write. They don't know how to scientifically plow their land or use the scientific method. They only have a pair of oxen and some basic tools they made themselves. Many times, they don't have enough money to buy seeds, fertilizer, or pesticides. These are common problems faced by farmers in our country. Because of these problems, they can't produce enough food or use their land effectively. So, I consider these issues to be problems. In my opinion, drought and excessive rainfall are the biggest problems for our farmers. To solve the drought problem, we need to make proper arrangements for irrigation by digging canals and using tube wells. We should also create drainage canals to remove excess water during heavy rainfall. Farmers should be provided with interest-free loans and easy access to seeds and fertilizers. They should be encouraged to grow high-yielding crops and use the right fertilizers.

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