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Festivals in Bangladesh Paragraph

(a) What are the main religious groups that live in Bangladesh?
(b) How do these groups live in the country?
(c) What type of connection do they have with each other?
(d) What are the celebrations they have?
(e) How do they celebrate these events?

Festivals in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has various famous festivals. It's mainly a Muslim country, but there are also other religions here. Hindus, Christians, Buddhists are some of them. Some tribal people also live in different parts of the country. There's no clear separation between these groups. They all share the same social and national identity as Bangladeshis. They all have equal access to the country's benefits. The way of life for all these groups is quite similar regardless of their religion. This unique bond is seen in how they celebrate their religious festivals. People from one group take part in and enjoy the festivals of other groups. Often, one group helps another group with organizing their festivals. This happens especially when smaller religious groups have their own festivals.
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