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A dialogue between a shop keeper and a customer.

Shopkeeper: Good morning, Sir. What would you like?
Customer: I need a pair of shoes and two socks.
Shopkeeper: Here they are.
Customer: Thanks. Let me check. These shoes don't fit well. They're too tight.
Shopkeeper: Alright, I'll exchange them for you.
Customer: These fit nicely. Now, let me see the socks.
Shopkeeper: Here you go.
Customer: No, these won't work. I don't like the color.
Shopkeeper: Which color do you prefer, Sir?
Customer: Black.
Shopkeeper: Unfortunately, we don't have black in stock. However, I can show you a much better quality in a different color.
Customer: No, thank you. I'm not interested. How much is the total?
Shopkeeper: It's one thousand and seven hundred Taka only.
Customer: Here's the money.
Shopkeeper: Thank you.
Customer: Goodbye.
Shopkeeper: Goodbye.
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