A dialogue between two friends about buying lottery ticket
Rashid: Whatcha getting?
Salim: Getting a lottery ticket.
R: Ever won before?
S: Nope, never!
R: This time you'll win. If you were rich, what'd you do?
S: Use money smartly.
R: Spend all?
S: No, build a big hospital for poor.
R: Charge patients?
S: No charge, free. You're a doc. You'd be PM, what's up?
R: You'd be my advisor.
S: Run hospitals well.
R: Won as PM, fight corruption?
S: Fight hard against it.
R: Can anyone succeed?
S: Not sure.
R: Failed?
S: Keep trying.
R: Harsh penalties to stop corruption?
S: Stop it? Not sure. What if corruption gone?
R: People happy, you re-elected.
S: When end corruption, poverty, illiteracy? Don't know how!
R: Yeah.
S: Yeah.
Salim: Getting a lottery ticket.
R: Ever won before?
S: Nope, never!
R: This time you'll win. If you were rich, what'd you do?
S: Use money smartly.
R: Spend all?
S: No, build a big hospital for poor.
R: Charge patients?
S: No charge, free. You're a doc. You'd be PM, what's up?
R: You'd be my advisor.
S: Run hospitals well.
R: Won as PM, fight corruption?
S: Fight hard against it.
R: Can anyone succeed?
S: Not sure.
R: Failed?
S: Keep trying.
R: Harsh penalties to stop corruption?
S: Stop it? Not sure. What if corruption gone?
R: People happy, you re-elected.
S: When end corruption, poverty, illiteracy? Don't know how!
R: Yeah.
S: Yeah.