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A Dialogue Between Two Friends About Uses of Internet.

Ali: Hi Moiz, how are you?
Moiz: Hi there! I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?

Ali: I'm good too. Did you set up your Internet connection?
Moiz: Yep, got that covered. I'm using my mobile SIM card to browse the Internet.

Ali: Great, what do you think about using the Internet?
Moiz: Well, nowadays, mobiles and the Internet are just part of our modern life. They're not a luxury anymore.

Ali: You're spot on. We need mobiles and the Internet for quick communication. I often download study stuff from the Internet for my schoolwork.
Moiz: I'm into downloading songs and videos from the Internet too. But it's sad that only some people in our society can use it.

Ali: It's really unfortunate. We should make sure everyone can use it.
Moiz: Absolutely. Every school should have the Internet, and young people should be encouraged to explore useful websites.

Ali: Definitely. This way, students can learn about the whole world using the Internet. But there are some bad things about it too.
Moiz: Right, some youngsters are watching inappropriate stuff online, which isn't good for their values.

Ali: You're so right. And there are people who use the Internet to threaten others.
Moiz: I agree with you. Anyway, everything has good and bad sides. We just need to focus on the good parts.

Ali: Exactly. Thanks for chatting, Moiz.
Moiz: No problem at all. You're welcome!
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