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A dialogue between two friends about how to eradicate illiteracy problem from our country.

Arslan: Hey Raza, how are you doing?
Raza: I'm good. Thanks. How about you?

Arslan: I'm doing well too. You know, a lot of people in our country can't read or write.
Raza: Yeah, not being able to read or write is a big problem here.

Arslan: This problem is stopping our country from progressing.
Raza: Absolutely, it's definitely holding us back.

Arslan: So, how can we make illiteracy go away?
Raza: I think we should make places in every village where grown-ups can learn to read and write.

Arslan: That sounds like a good idea.
Raza: And we should also tell moms and dads to send their kids to school.

Arslan: Totally. And you know what? People who already know a lot should help fix this problem.
Raza: I like that thought.

Arslan: Thanks.
Raza: You're welcome.
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