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A dialogue between two friends on the bad effect of smoking.

Friend: Hey there, how are you doing?

Myself: I'm good, and you?

Friend: Not so great, actually.

Myself: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What's going on?

Friend: My uncle is really sick.

Myself: That's terrible. What illness does he have?

Friend: He's been diagnosed with liver cancer.

Myself: That's devastating. Was there a reason he got liver cancer?

Friend: Sadly, he's been a chain smoker for the past 30 years.

Myself: 30 years of smoking is a long time. But is there a direct link between smoking and cancer?

Friend: Yes, smoking is the root cause of various fatal diseases like bronchitis, heart attacks, cough, and cancer.

Myself: Clearly, smoking poses significant health risks.

Friend: Absolutely, smoking is injurious to health.

Myself: Do you know why smoking is so harmful?

Friend: Smoking involves nicotine, a poisonous substance for the human body.

Myself: That's true. So, what can be done to quit smoking?

Friend: Raising awareness about the detrimental effects of smoking is essential in helping people quit.

Myself: I couldn't agree more. Let's spread the word about the dangers of smoking.

Friend: Thank you for understanding.

Myself: You're welcome. We need to support each other in making healthier choices.
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