A Fox without a Tail । লেজ ছাড়াই একটি শিয়াল । Completing-Story
Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a clever fox. One day, as the fox was strolling through the jungle, it accidentally got caught in a trap. It struggled and managed to escape from the trap, but sadly, it had to leave its tail behind. Without its fluffy tail, the fox looked quite odd and felt really unhappy.
But this clever fox wasn't one to give up easily. It hatched a plan to regain its confidence. It called for a meeting with all the other foxes in the forest, inviting them to gather around. Every fox in the forest came to the meeting, making the clever fox feel important.
Clearing its throat, the fox began, "Dear friends, I have a revelation to share. Our tails, they serve no purpose. They get messy and are not pleasing to the eye. Thus, I propose that we all get rid of our tails." All the foxes listened carefully to the clever fox's words, some with curious expressions.
Among the attentive audience, an elderly fox known for its wisdom spoke up. "My young friend," it said kindly, "your idea is intriguing, but it lacks wisdom. Now, imagine a fox without a tail feeling embarrassed by your words." The wise fox's words struck the clever fox, and suddenly, it felt a pang of shame.
Realizing the folly of its plan, the fox without a tail quickly departed from the gathering. The other foxes exchanged glances, some nodding in agreement with the wise fox. And as the sun began to set over the forest, the lesson was learned: true worth isn't in appearances, and sometimes, our differences are what make us special.