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An Essay on Liberation War Of Bangladesh বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ

Bangladesh's fight for freedom was a significant event that we can be proud of. Even though we've gained our independence, the true spirit of the struggle hasn't fully taken root. Let's look at the history of this fight for freedom.

In the past, Bangladesh lost its independence to the British in 1757. Then, in 1947, India was split into two countries, India and Pakistan. However, the majority of people in what is now Bangladesh were part of Pakistan but didn't have much say in how things were run. This led to growing dissatisfaction, and a movement for independence began.

The Background: People like Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other patriots voiced their protests. In 1968, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other Bangladeshis were wrongly accused in the Agartala Conspiracy Case. This sparked a strong protest in Bangladesh. Eventually, they were released due to public pressure. But the situation worsened when Yahia Khan took power and didn't allow the rightful winners of an election to take office.

The Struggle for Freedom: Things took a turn for the worse on March 25th, a dark day when the army attacked unarmed Bangladeshis. Sheikh Mujib was arrested and taken to West Pakistan. But the spirit of independence was strong, and a liberation war began. Ordinary people turned into brave freedom fighters overnight. On April 17th, 1971, the government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was formed at Mujib Nagar.

The Horrors: The Pakistani forces committed terrible acts, killing and raping innocent people. The world was shocked by the cruelty. Many Bengalese fled to neighboring countries to escape the violence. Eventually, India and Bangladesh's combined forces took a stand against Pakistan.

The Final Victory: The last stage of the war was short but intense. On December 16th, a day of immense pride, the Pakistani army surrendered. This marked the official birth of Bangladesh as a nation on the world map.

Looking Forward: While we won our independence through great sacrifice, we haven't fully harnessed our potential as a strong nation. It's essential to remember the sacrifices of 1971 and focus on building our country for the better.
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