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Boost Your Blogspot Earnings with Adsterra's Social Bar

Boost Your Blogspot Earnings with Adsterra's Social Bar: Unleashing High CPM Potential

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, finding the perfect balance between engaging content and native formats can be a game-changer. Adsterra's Social Bar is a revolutionary ad format that seamlessly blends nativity and engagement, creating a powerful tool for advertisers to reach their audience effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the depths of Social Bar, unlocking its secrets and revealing how it can elevate your Blogspot earnings through high CPM rates.

The Power of Social Connection and Native Engagement

TikTok's irresistible appeal lies in its ability to provide engaging and personalized social connections. Similarly, mobile operating systems win users over with their clutter-free, native interfaces. Advertisers in 2022 require ad formats that combine both engagement and nativity, and this is precisely where Adsterra steps in. With a focus on delivering value beyond conventional web push ads, Adsterra introduces Social Bar as the new standard for user engagement and conversion.

Understanding Social Bar by Adsterra

Social Bar inherits the strengths of display and in-page push ads, going beyond the limitations of traditional web push. Notably, it doesn't require user subscriptions, ensuring ads are delivered across all browsers and operating systems, including iOS. Designed as native notifications, widgets, icons, and chats, Social Bar's creatives are immune to browser ad-blockers, enhancing their visibility and impact.

In-Page Push and Display Combo: Versatile ad format for all desktop and mobile traffic.
Payment Models: CPM, CPC, CPA for flexible campaign strategies.
Ready-to-Use and Custom Designs: Access to pre-designed templates and full customization options.
Top Creative Templates: In-Page Push, Custom Widgets, Icons Notifications.
Outstanding Differentiators: Up to 30X higher CTRs, 20 proven conversion templates, complete customization capabilities.

Unveiling the Potential: Exploring Social Bar's Creatives

The true power of Social Bar lies in its creative templates, seamlessly integrated into the Adsterra Self-Service Platform (SSP). Advertisers gain access to over 20 meticulously crafted template styles, perfect for standing out without extensive effort. Let's delve into the three main types of templates available:

In-Page Push: Engaging users for product trials, app downloads, and social interactions.
Icon Notifications: Interactive chat heads with animation for enhanced engagement.
Custom Widgets: OS-native visuals with vibrant CTAs for credibility and impact.

Realizing Marketing Goals with Social Bar

Advertisers have harnessed Social Bar's versatility to achieve their marketing objectives effectively. Let's explore some of the most common use cases:

Lead Generation: Collecting user data through pre-designed skins or customized widgets, shortening the conversion flow and boosting leads.
Installs, Downloads, Trials: Pitching products before leading users to landing pages, optimizing user engagement and conversions.
Pre-orders, Sign-ups, Opt-ins: Delivering value, using FOMO effect, and pre-warming users for higher conversion rates.
Brand Awareness, Product Demo: Engaging users with multimedia content, such as short videos or image carousels, for effective product promotion.

Choosing the Right Pricing Model

Selecting the right pricing model is pivotal for campaign success. Advertisers can opt for CPM, CPC, or CPA models based on their offer type and conversion flow. CPA suits simpler flows like installs and trials, while CPM is ideal for more extended conversion processes like purchases and deposits.

Launching Your Social Bar Campaign

Embarking on a Social Bar campaign is straightforward through the Adsterra platform:
  • Register and log in to your account.
  • Navigate to Campaigns → Create and select Social Bar in the AdUnit category.
  • Choose between CPM or CPC pricing and select your preferred template type.
  • Customize the creative skin, adding images, texts, and interaction elements.
  • Save the creative and repeat the process for up to 15 different creatives.

The Benefits of Social Bar

The advantages of Social Bar are compelling and can significantly impact your advertising efforts:
  • Up to 10–30X CTR growth compared to web push.
  • Substantial traffic volume and direct publisher access.
  • 20+ ready-to-use templates for enhanced ad performance.
  • Compatibility with all devices, browsers, and OS, including iOS.
  • Advanced targeting options and A/B testing capabilities.

Addressing Common Questions

Diving deeper into Social Bar, let's address some frequently asked questions:

Social Bar vs. Web Push: Why Social Bar is the superior format.
The Nature of Social Bar: Its combination of in-page push and display format.
Choosing the Right Pricing: Factors influencing the choice between CPM, CPC, and CPA.
Social Bar vs. Popunder: Comparing the unique strengths of these two formats.


As we conclude our exploration of Adsterra's Social Bar, the possibilities it offers are undeniable. With its native engagement, unmatched CTRs, and a plethora of customization options, Social Bar is poised to reshape the landscape of digital advertising. By harnessing its potential, you can unlock new heights of success in your Blogspot endeavors. So, take the leap, embrace innovation, and let Social Bar elevate your ad campaigns to unprecedented levels of effectiveness. If you're ready to embark on this journey, Adsterra's live chat support is just a click away, ready to guide you to success.

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