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Conversation between mother and children's for tea

Habib: Mom, it's time for tea.
Mother: Yes, dear. Tea will be ready soon, in just a minute. Munib and Athar know when it's tea-time without any help.
Habib: I'll set up the tea table while we wait, Mom.
Mother: Here we go! Everyone, tea is ready now.
Habib: Let me help you put the tray on the table, Mom.
Mother: I'll make tea for everyone. Tea, milk, and sugar are in different pots. Munib, do you take sugar in your tea?
Munib: Yes, just one spoonful.
Mother: How about you, Athar?
Athar: I can't have sugar, I'm diabetic. No sugar in my tea, please.
Mother: Except for me, we all take two spoonfuls of sugar in our cups. This is your cup, Athar, and this one's for Munib. We usually have tea at four-thirty. It's great to have both of you here today. I've made enough tea for everyone. Go ahead, children, help yourselves.
Habib: Mom, can you pass me the tea-cake? I'll share it around.
Mother: I got these samosas from a bakery in town. Everyone, please take some. Munib, would you like more tea?
Munib: Yes, please, a little more. Thanks.
Mother: And you, Athar? Would you like more tea?
Athar: No, thanks. I'm good. The cake was delicious, but I can't eat any more.
Mother: Rest of you, help yourselves. Munib, Athar, more cake for you?
Athar: I'll take one more samosa. They're really tasty.
Munib: No more cake for me, thank you. I'll have another samosa. They're so good.
Mother: I apologize, Munib, I remember you don't eat sweet things. So, are you all sure you've had enough tea and snacks? Does anyone need anything else? Should I take the tray away from the table?
All: Yes, please. Thank you. Thanks for the lovely tea and snacks.
Mother: You're welcome.
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