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Dialogue Between a Salesman and a Customer

Salesman: Good morning, sir.
Customer: Morning. I want to buy a shirt and a tie.

Salesman: Here they are.
Customer: Thanks. Let me see them.

Salesman: I think they'll look good on you.
Customer: No, the shirt is a bit too small.

Salesman: Alright, here's another one.
Customer: Yes, this fits me well. Now, show me the tie.

Salesman: Here you go.
Customer: No, I don't like the color.

Salesman: What color do you like?
Customer: I prefer navy blue.

Salesman: Sure, we have a nice tie in that color. Here it is.
Customer: That works. How much does it cost?

Salesman: It's Tk. 1200/- in total.
Customer: Here's the money.

Salesman: Thank you, sir.
Customer: You're welcome.
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