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Dialogue Between Two Friends on Corruption in India

Zafi: Hey Zarif, how's it going?
Zarif: All good. How about you?

Zafi: I'm good too. By the way, did you hear about the recent report on India by TI?
Zarif: Yeah, I know about it. The report said India is the third most corrupt country in the world.

Zafi: That's surprising and concerning. It makes me sad to hear this. It's like people don't care about our country.
Zarif: I do care, but what can I do about it alone?

Zafi: True, it's not something one person can fix. Corruption is everywhere, from low-level workers to top officials and ministers.
Zarif: Absolutely, and these people in power often act in their own interests.

Zafi: You're right. Can you figure out why corruption is so widespread here?
Zarif: In a country like India, which is still developing and struggling with poverty, one major reason for corruption is dishonest politics. Corrupt politicians misuse their power.

Zafi: Yes, bribery and favoritism play a big role in this bad behavior. It's really disheartening.
Zarif: I agree. But we should also focus on teaching kids good values and ethics from a young age.

Zafi: The government needs to seriously tackle corruption. They should make a real effort to stop it.
Zarif: I'm on the same page. Otherwise, our country's future looks grim.

Zafi: Definitely, the sooner they act, the better. Thanks for the insightful chat.
Zarif: No problem, always here for a good conversation.
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