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Dialogue Between Two Friends on Planning Picnic

Zafi: Hi Zarif, how are you?
Zarif: I'm good, and you?

Zafi: I'm good too. Hey, what do you think about having a picnic?
Zarif: That sounds nice. Let's pick a day and a place.

Zafi: What do you think of going to Sonargaon next Friday?
Zarif: Oh, cool! It's a pretty old place with lots of history.

Zafi: Who's coming with us?
Zarif: Just your siblings and mine. When should we start?

Zafi: Let's leave at 7 o'clock from our houses.
Zarif: What's on the menu?

Zafi: Biriani. Do you like it?
Zarif: Absolutely, but we'll cook ourselves.

Zafi: For sure! That means we need to bring cooking stuff.
Zarif: I'm bringing my camera to take photos.

Zafi: Sounds good. Let's start planning now. Thanks!
Zarif: No problem, you're welcome.
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