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Dialogue on school dress (school uniform) of the students

Teacher: Hello Akhi, may I ask why you're wearing your personal clothes to school today?

Akhi: I apologize, sir. Most of my clothes are at the laundry, and I didn't want to miss my classes.

Teacher: I see. It's commendable that you prioritized attending classes, but you do realize that the school uniform is more than just a fashion choice, right? It represents our identity and fosters a sense of unity within the school.

Akhi: Could you please elaborate on that, sir?

Teacher: Of course. Wearing the school uniform signifies that you are part of this school community and take pride in it. When you opt for personal clothes, it might appear as though you belong to any other group, and your connection to our school becomes less apparent.

Akhi: But my parents always taught me to dress appropriately for different occasions. Isn't that sufficient?

Teacher: Yes, your parents have taught you well about dressing appropriately, but not all families have the same knowledge or financial resources as yours. Consider the children from economically disadvantaged or less educated backgrounds.

Akhi: I understand, sir. Today, when I entered the class, everyone stared at me as if I were a stranger.

Teacher: And that's precisely why I emphasize the significance of the school uniform. Do you see the point now?

Akhi: Yes, sir. I won't repeat the same mistake again.

Teacher: Thank you for comprehending the importance of this matter.
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