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Early rising- Paragraph* Grade-6-10*Writing part

There's a saying in English that goes, "Getting up early and going to bed early makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise." Early waking up means getting out of bed in the morning.

If we do this, it can help us in life. Waking up early in the morning, doing a bit of exercise, enjoying the fresh beauty of nature, and starting our work early can make us happy and successful. The morning air refreshes our body and mind. Nature looks beautiful in the morning with colorful flowers, green leaves, and the sounds of birds. This beauty reminds everyone of the Creator. It's like feeling the urge to pray to Allah. Someone who wakes up early gets many advantages. They can start their daily work sooner. After doing all the important tasks, they'll have time for fun activities, reading for knowledge and enjoyment, and pursuing hobbies. So, the habit of waking up early is a source of health, wealth, and wisdom. Therefore, waking up early is a good habit we should have in our life.
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