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Grapes are Sour । আঙ্গুর টক হয়। Completing-Story

Once upon a time, there was a fox who was really hungry and searching for something yummy to eat in the forest. After some time of wandering around, he found himself near a place filled with bunches of grapes hanging from vines. These grapes were so ripe and tempting that the fox's mouth watered just looking at them. However, there was a small problem – the grapes were way up high, out of the fox's reach.

The fox really wanted to taste those juicy grapes. He thought about how delicious they would be, and he couldn't resist the urge to try and get to them. So, with determination in his eyes, he jumped up and tried to grab the grapes. But no matter how high he jumped, the grapes remained just a little bit out of reach. The fox wasn't about to give up that easily. He took a step back, then sprinted and leaped with all his might. But again, his efforts were in vain.

Frustration started to creep in as the fox continued to jump and stretch, each time hoping he could finally get a taste of those scrumptious grapes. He started to feel tired and worn out, but he wasn't ready to quit. He decided to take a short break to catch his breath and gather his energy. After resting for a bit, he gave it another shot. He jumped and jumped, but the grapes seemed to be playing a teasing game with him.

Finally, after numerous attempts, the fox realized that no matter how much he tried, those grapes were just too high for him to reach. A sense of disappointment washed over him, but he didn't want to show it. Instead, he pretended not to care anymore. With a sigh, he muttered to himself, "Well, I bet those grapes are sour anyway. Who needs them?"

With that, the fox turned away from the tantalizing grapes and left the vineyard. He walked away, his head held high, trying to mask his longing for the unreachable treat. As he ventured deeper into the forest, he couldn't help but think about how sometimes, things we desire might not be as wonderful as we imagine them to be. And so, the hungry fox learned an important lesson that day – that it's okay to let go of things that are out of reach and not let them bother us.
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