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Letter to Your Friend About the Activities and Success of Grameen Bank

Dear Mehedi,

Hope this letter finds you well. I really appreciate you writing to me. You wanted to know about what the Grameen Bank does in Bangladesh. I'm sorry, I can't tell you its history, but I can definitely tell you how things have changed in the villages here. It was around 2004 when my brother and I visited a nearby village after four years. I was amazed by what I saw there.

All the houses had electricity and the old thatched houses were now replaced by sturdy brick houses. Kids were studying at proper tables, and some houses even had a television! Just four years ago, these people struggled a lot to make ends meet. None of the kids went to school, and some even had to beg. I asked an older uncle what caused this change, and he told me about something called the 'Khudra Rin Prokolpo' (Micro-credit Scheme) by the Grameen Bank.

Here's something astonishing: People only had to save Tk. 4/= (Bangladeshi currency) per week, but they were given a loan of Tk. 20000/=! This small loan made them strong enough to improve their lives. It's like the Grameen Bank is a magic lamp that brings good things. That's all for today.

Take care,

Yours always,
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