Letter to Your Friend Congratulating Him on His Brilliant Success in the Exam
Dear Abhijit,
I just found out about your Final Examination results. I want to say a big congratulations on your amazing success. Getting a GPA-5 is a really impressive achievement. All your friends and family must be feeling proud that you did so well. We are especially happy because you did great even though you were sick just before the exams.
I'm confident that this result will motivate you to keep doing well in your further studies. If you do well in the HSC Examination too, you'll have the choice to study Medicine or Engineering. If you're interested in Computer Science, it's a good idea to consider BUET over SUET.
I'm sure you're getting lots of letters from your friends and family. I won't write too much today. We can talk more when we meet. I wish you a future full of even more success.
Always yours,