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Letter to Your Friend Informing him of the Harmful Effect of Taking Coffee and Tea

Dear Shaon,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to talk to you about something important – the bad effects of having too much coffee or tea. If you're someone who sips tea or coffee often, it can become a regular thing for you. You might start feeling like your day isn't quite right without that cup of tea in the morning or afternoon. But here's the thing: drinking tea or coffee too much isn't really harmless. People usually have them to feel more awake and energetic.

Inside these drinks, there's something called "caffeine." Having a lot of caffeine from tea or coffee can make your stomach make more of a strong acid. It's like when you eat something spicy and your stomach feels funny. Just like that! Also, I want to talk about something called "alcohol." It's something people drink that's made from fermented grains or fruits. But here's the deal – drinking too much alcohol can be really bad for your body's different parts.

Now, there's something else I wanted to mention. In Islam, they say not to drink alcohol at all. But in places like Western countries, some people see it as okay to drink alcohol. They might even think it's cool. So, you see, people have different ideas about this stuff.

Well, that's it for today. Take care and all the best.

Yours always,
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