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Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Spend the Summer Vacation with You

Dear Mukta,

I hope you're doing well. Thanks a lot for your nice letter. I found out that your school is going to be closed for the summer holidays starting from May 20th. I have a suggestion for you - how about spending your summer break with us at our village home? I think you'd really enjoy it, especially after being in the city for a while.

The village has a very peaceful and natural atmosphere that can help you relax and feel better. There's a river nearby and some cool places with special trees called 'Jhau groves' that you might like. My parents are excited about the idea of you coming to visit as well. So, please try your best to come here. Let's talk more about this when you decide to come!

Take care and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

With love,
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