Letter to Your Younger Brother About the Importance of Reading Newspaper
Dear Aslam,
I got your letter yesterday. Your letter tells me that you're not much into reading newspapers regularly. That's a bit disappointing. You see, newspapers are like a treasure chest of knowledge. When someone reads newspapers, they learn a lot about what's happening in the world right now. This knowledge about current events can actually be quite handy in real life.
We have different types of newspapers in our country, like ones that come out every day, every week, every two weeks, and every month. The ones that come out every day are really popular. Papers like Prothom Alo, the Daily Star, the Ittefaq, and the Kaler Kontho are read by a lot of people. They give you the latest news and different opinions about all sorts of things, like sports, history, places, politics, money matters, and business.
Also, reading newspapers is like a part of education. So, it's important to take newspaper reading seriously. If you skip reading newspapers every day, you might end up just being a bookworm. And that might not be so good for your future. Send my good wishes to everyone and give my respects to your parents.
Best wishes,