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Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Be Regular to His Studies

Dear Mukul,

I hope you're doing well. I want to talk to you about something important. I heard from Mom that you might not be keeping up with your studies like you used to. She also mentioned that you're spending a lot of time playing games and sports, and that you're hanging out with some not-so-good friends. I'm a bit worried because it seems like you're often outside during the day and even late at night. These aren't good things to be doing.

You know, you're the youngest in our family and we all care a lot about you. You have a lot of potential, and I don't want to see that potential go to waste because of bad choices.

I need to be honest with you. It seems like you might be making some not-so-great choices lately. I'm guessing that you're spending time with friends who aren't really a good influence. But no matter what, it's really important for you to stay away from those kinds of friends.

I'm actually writing a letter to your school's principal to ask if they can give you some extra help from a teacher. I believe that you can turn things around and get back on track with your studies. It's not too late to make better choices.

Remember, I'm your older brother and I care about you a lot. I want to see you succeed and be happy. So, please, try to think about what I've said. Make better choices, focus on your studies, and I'm sure things will start looking up.

Take care,
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