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Load Shedding Paragraph for JSC SSC and HSC

Load Shedding

Load shedding means stopping the supply of electricity for a while. This happens when there isn't enough electricity available compared to what people need. Load shedding happens often in our country. There are many reasons for load shedding. The main reason is not making enough electricity. People using electricity in the wrong way is another reason. People stealing electricity also causes load shedding. When there's load shedding, factories can't make things as much, and food in the fridge goes bad. At night, bad people might do bad things because of load shedding. Students can't study well because of it. Load shedding is worse in the summer and makes life hard. Electricity makes machines work, and modern life needs it. So, if there's no electricity, everything stops. To fix this, the government should make more power plants and stop people from stealing electricity. It's good that our government is trying to solve this problem.


Load shedding is a big problem in our country. It happens often. It's a big problem in our daily life and for the whole country. Load shedding has many reasons. People using electricity the wrong way, stealing it, and not making enough are the main reasons. Some bad people also cause it. Load shedding makes the country's development slower. The problem is getting worse every day. Everyone is affected by it. Because of load shedding, life at home and work becomes hard. Factories and industries stop working, which is bad for the country. Even hospitals can't do important things. Students can't study well. Food in fridges goes bad because of load shedding. To fix this, the government should make more power plants. People also need to use electricity the right way and not steal it. Our government is trying to fix this problem, which is good.

Load Shedding in 250 Words

Load shedding is a big issue in Bangladesh right now. It's a big problem for the whole country. There are many reasons for load shedding. First, not making enough electricity is the main reason. Second, giving out electricity without a plan is also a reason. Third, people stealing electricity and making fake problems are also making load shedding happen. Also, people pretending there's a problem with the system to steal electricity is a problem. Load shedding has many bad effects. It makes the country's development slower. It stops the country from growing socially, nationally, and personally. Because of load shedding, life at home and work becomes hard. People can't do things they need to do. Factories and industries can't work, which is bad for the country. Even hospitals can't help people well. Students can't study well. People's food in fridges goes bad because of load shedding. Bad people might do bad things when it's dark because of load shedding. The problem is getting worse all the time. First, the government needs to help fix this. People are also a reason for load shedding. The government needs to make more power plants to have enough electricity. People should use electricity the right way and not steal it. The government is trying to fix this problem, which is good.
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