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The gift of human skill is paper. Paper is a light thing we write on. It's really important for how we live now. If paper disappeared, it would be a big problem. The word "paper" comes from "papyrus," which was a kind of plant leaf. 

Long ago, maybe in China, people started making paper. Some people think paper was first used in Egypt. Making paper involves using things like rags, bamboo, straw, and wood. These things are cleaned and chopped into small pieces, then put in water to become soft. After that, they're boiled with something called soda to get rid of dirt. This mixture is called "pulp." The pulp is put on a machine to dry, and that's how we get paper.

There are different types of paper, with different sizes, colors, and quality. Some are red, some are white, some feel rough, and some feel smooth. Rough paper is not expensive, but smooth paper costs more. In Bangladesh, there are three places where paper is made: Chandraghona, Paksey, and Khulna. Around the world, there are many paper mills that make paper.

Paper is really useful. We use it for writing, printing, and decorating. In offices, courts, schools, and colleges, paper is used a lot. Books and news are printed on paper. Without paper, it would be hard for people to learn. We need paper to make records and important documents.

To sum up, paper is super important. It helps us learn and spread knowledge.
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