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Population Problem in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a small country with not much space – it's about the size of 1,47,570 big fields. But guess what? There are a whole lot of people here, like 876 for every field! That's a huge number compared to other places in the world. And guess what else? Almost two million new babies are born here every year.

Bangladesh has a lot of people squeezed into it. There are around 140 million folks living in this little place. Because there are so many people, there are some problems. One of these problems is too many people. Every year, the number of people grows by about 3%.

People are usually a good thing for a country. They help the country do well. But sometimes, like in Bangladesh, there can be too many people. When there are too many people, they need lots of things like food, clothes, houses, hospitals, schools, and jobs. But Bangladesh is not very rich, so it's really hard to get everything that all these people need.

When there are too many people, some not-so-good things happen. More and more people can't find jobs, and this makes them upset. When people are upset, they might not follow the rules, and things might get messy. Also, there isn't enough food for everyone, and the prices of things go up really fast. This means it's super hard for poor people to buy what they need. The country's money system gets stressed out, and this affects all the parts of how the country runs. These problems make life tough for everyone.

But don't worry, there are things we can do to make it better. We can stop people from getting married when they're too young. And each family can try to have only two kids. To do this, we need to make sure everyone can read and write. We can also teach people about why too many people are a problem.

The government can't fix this all by itself. People who know a lot and care a lot need to help out too. If we don't work together to fix this problem, Bangladesh won't be able to grow and get better like it should.
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