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Tea is a kind of drink made from dried leaves. These leaves come from small bushes that grow on plants. These plants have lots of green leaves and can be quite tall, about five to six feet. Tea plants like to grow in hilly areas, not wet places. Some famous tea-growing spots are Darjeeling and Assam in India, Sylhet and Chittagong in Bangladesh, and the country of Ceylon.

In the past, we didn't have tea in our country. It was brought here from England. Now, British and some foreign tea makers grow tea here. They have workers who take care of the tea gardens. They prepare the land on the hills, put in seeds, and little plants start to grow. When the plants are big enough, the workers pick the soft, green leaves. This happens three or four times a year. Then, the leaves are dried and sent to other countries.

Tea is really tasty to drink. First, we boil water and add the tea. After a few minutes, we take out the leaves and what's left is called the tea. We can mix milk and sugar with it and enjoy a nice drink. Tea gives us a good feeling, especially when we're tired. It's also great in cold places to warm up and feel better.

In the end, tea is a drink that wakes us up and makes us happy. When people are tired, they like to have tea. It's also a comforting drink when it's chilly outside.
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