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The uses and abuses of satellite channels

Introduction: Satellite channels are like faraway TV stations we can watch using a special antenna. In Bangladesh, we got satellite TV in 1992. It's now in towns and some villages, thanks to cable TV. Lots of people watch these channels, even from other countries!

Good Things about Satellite TV Making Us Learn: Satellite channels show us different ways people live and think. We see various cultures and ideas. We can compare these with our own and learn to understand others better.

Making Friends: Satellite TV lets us know about other countries' feelings and problems. This makes us feel closer to people around the world. It's like making friends with everyone!

Helping Businesses: Satellite TV ads help companies sell their stuff all over the world. People who do business depend on it to spread the word about what they're selling.

Not-so-Good Things about Satellite TV Hurting Our Culture: Every culture is unique. Satellite TV can sometimes make our own culture less strong. We might start copying other cultures and forget our own traditions.

Making Some Countries Stronger: A few countries use satellite TV to make others think like them. They try to control what we think from far away. That's not good for us.

Showing Bad Stuff: Some TV shows on satellites can be rude and show things we shouldn't see. These shows might make young people think and do bad things.

Ending Thoughts: Satellite TV has good and bad sides. We shouldn't ignore the good parts, but we should also be careful. Let's use this technology wisely and change how we show things on TV to make it better for us.
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