Tit for Tat | Grocer and Fruit Seller Story
A Story About Getting Even: The Greedy Shopkeeper and the Fruit Seller
Hey there! Today, I've got a cool story for you. It's called "A Story About Getting Even" or you could call it "The Greedy Shopkeeper and the Fruit Seller." What does "tit for tat" mean? Well, it's like giving back something equal when someone does something not so nice to you. It's a bit like when you trade a light hit for another light hit. Kind of like saying "You did something mean to me, so I'll do something similar back to you." The phrase "tit for tat" actually comes from "tip for tap," which means giving a small hit in return.
Alright, let's dive into our story! Imagine this: one day, a shopkeeper needed to borrow a scale and some weights from a person who sells fruit. After a while, the fruit seller asked for his stuff back.
But guess what? The shopkeeper wasn't being very nice. He was being greedy and not very honest. When the fruit seller asked for his things, the shopkeeper said, "Oops, I can't give them back. Some mice came and chewed up your scales and weights." Can you believe that excuse?
Well, the fruit seller was upset, but he didn't lose his cool. Instead, he thought of a smart way to teach the shopkeeper a lesson. He decided to get back at him, but in a sneaky way.
A few days later, the fruit seller went to the shopkeeper and said, "Hey, could your son come with me to the town? I need some help bringing back goods."
The shopkeeper agreed, and his son went with the fruit seller. But guess what? The next day, the fruit seller returned home alone, without the shopkeeper's son. So, the shopkeeper asked, "Where's my son?"
The fruit seller gave a surprising answer, "A crow carried away your son." Can you believe that? The shopkeeper got really mad and yelled, "How could a little crow take away my big son?"
The fruit seller calmly replied with a smile, "Just like how a little mouse can chew up iron scales and weights." Boom, burn!
The shopkeeper finally realized his mistake. He felt bad about being dishonest. He gave back the scales and weights, and he asked for forgiveness. And guess what? The fruit seller gave the shopkeeper's son back too. It was like they were even.
So, the lesson here is pretty clear: Don't be greedy or dishonest, and never try to trick or cheat others. It's always better to be fair and honest.