Write a dialogue between two friends on beggary.
A: Hey Sidra!
B: Hi there! How are you doing?
A: I'm fine. How about you?
B: I'm a bit worried about the homework our English teacher assigned.
A: What's the assignment?
B: We have to write an essay about beggary. I'm not sure what to write.
A: Come on, Sidra! Beggary is something that people, especially in less wealthy countries, can easily write about.
B: What do you mean?
A: It's simple. Third world countries are nations that face economic and social challenges like poverty and lack of education. These issues contribute to beggary.
B: But what if some people really need the money?
A: Our religion doesn't allow it under any circumstances. Once, a poor man approached our Holy Prophet (SAW) to ask for help, and the Prophet advised him to sell his blanket, buy tools, and work to earn a living.
B: That's a lesson the Holy Prophet (SAW) left for us.
A: Exactly. Beggary is a problem that affects individuals, society, and a country's reputation.
B: I see. It damages self-esteem, disrupts daily life, and even gives a bad image to the country.
A: And there are more reasons, too.
B: Are these the only reasons?
A: No, not at all. Beggary has become a profession for some. People beg not because they have to, but because they're used to it.
B: What about the young children begging at traffic signals?
A: Those children are often taught to beg by their parents. It's a tragic situation.
B: It really is.
A: Yes, and unfortunately, beggary is increasing steadily.
B: How can we address this issue?
A: I think we should learn from China, where the government takes care of the homeless and elderly.
B: Thanks, A! You've practically helped me with my homework. I just need to put this information on paper.