Write a Dialogue between two friends one supporting a town life and the other a village life.
Mabrur: Hey Ahsan!
Ahsan: I'm tired of it, Ahsan.
Mabrur: What do you mean?
Ahsan: I mean, I've had enough of city life, Mabrur.
Mabrur: Interesting! People love the city, but it makes you feel bad. What's the problem?
Ahsan: So many problems. The noise, the crowds, the congestion, the dirt, the smoke, and more.
Mabrur: And you want a slow and boring life with foolish people? There's no cinema, no theater, no buses, and even bad roads.
Ahsan: But the sun shines brightly over the fields and the stream. The flowers look happy, and even though the people are simple and not very smart, they are kind.
Mabrur: Sounds like a poet's dream! But think about the rainy season with muddy roads, frogs, snakes, and the sound of jackals at night.
Ahsan: There's peace. The beauty of nature is there.
Mabrur: But beauty doesn't solve practical problems. In a village, there are no doctors, hospitals, schools, colleges, or universities. And you can't live without a city in this 21st century.
Ahsan: Of course, a city is important, but we also need a calm village where a troubled mind can sometimes relax and feel relieved. Remember, Allah created the village, while humans built the city.