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Write a Dialogue between you and your friend about food adulteration

Shafiq: Hi Rafiq, what are you up to?

Rafiq: Eating an apple. It's one of my favorite fruits. Want one?

Shafiq: I like apples too. But did you know there might be harmful chemicals like formalin in this fruit?

Rafiq: Seriously? You've brought up something really important. Nowadays, food cheating is a big problem in our country.

Shafiq: Yet you're still having this risky food.

Rafiq: Are you sure everything you eat is pure?

Shafiq: Apologies, Rafiq. Truth is, we live in a world where things are often not as they seem. We eat what's available. But fruits, fish, veggies, oil, baby food, and even water are being tampered with by dishonest business people.

Rafiq: And we're caught in their trap without much choice.

Shafiq: You're quite right. The government tries to fix this, but their efforts don't show much result. Is there any hope left?

Rafiq: Absolutely, there is. It's up to us to be cautious and pick the right foods whenever we can.

Shafiq: Your wise words might just make me smarter.
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