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Write a Paragraph on the topic price hike.

Question: Explain about Price-Hike/Inflation. Your section should provide answers to the following questions.

a) What is inflation?
b) What causes it in Bangladesh?
c) How does it affect our society?
d) Who is impacted by it?
e) How can it be controlled?

Price-Hike in Bangladesh

Answer: Inflation happens when the prices of things we need every day go up a lot. This happens a lot in Bangladesh, and the issue is getting worse. The main reason for this in Bangladesh is the groups in the market who work together to make prices higher. Some dishonest sellers are also making things more expensive. There are other reasons too, like bad things happening to farms, not having enough things, needing to talk quickly with others, problems with politics, and prices going up in the whole country. Regular people are having a hard time. The prices of things they need are too high for them to afford with their small amount of money. Most people, in some way or another, are feeling the effects of inflation. It's not a problem that can be fixed quickly. The government needs to take action fast and over a long time to make inflation less. They should be strong and put pressure on business groups that are causing this. They should work to control inflation. They should give more attention and money to farming in their plans for the year. And they should also help people understand what's going on with prices.


Price-Hike in Bangladesh

Price-hike means the prices of things we need every day are getting higher than normal. This is a big problem in our country. Our country is still growing and has a lot of problems. Many people in our country don't have much money and live in poverty. They can't manage their basic needs with their small income. Now they are having a tough time because things are getting really expensive. This is because there's too much money being spent. So, people can't buy things like before. This is causing problems for almost everyone in different situations. Both poor people and middle-class people are having a hard time because of high prices. There are many reasons why prices are going up in our country. Some of the biggest reasons are: not making enough things, getting more money without a proper reason, illegal selling, joining together to make prices higher, too many people, doing bad things, and natural disasters. It's true that our country doesn't have enough food. But a group of businessmen is making this problem worse. They are making a lot of money by saying they don't have enough things. There are also higher prices in other countries that are affecting us. Right now, it's really important to control inflation. We can do this by making more things, not having too much supply, spending less money, helping people start their own businesses, making people love their country, stopping bad things, preventing disasters, and controlling selling.

Rising prices are making it harder for our country's economy to get better. It's stopping us from growing and doing things well. If we can control inflation faster, we can keep going with projects to grow and help our country. 


Price-Hike in Bangladesh

Price-hike means that things we need are getting more expensive. Inflation is a big problem in Bangladesh and other places too. Right now, the prices of things we need are going up a lot in Bangladesh. It's really tough for poor people in our country. They can't buy the things they need because they don't have much money. Even middle-class people are facing problems with expensive things. People are really upset about the price of onions in Bangladesh. It's so high that even rich people are worried about buying it, not to mention poor people. This is a big problem for our country.

In our country, we might think that inflation is normal now because it happens so much. There are many reasons for this problem. One big reason is that more and more people are being born. But there's not enough land to grow food for all of them. So, there's not enough food like rice, fish, and vegetables. This makes the poor people's lives even harder. They can't eat well and they become weak because they can't afford good food. This happens because the prices of things go up too much.

Prices go up for many reasons. To really understand why prices go up so much in Bangladesh, we need to look closely. Some dishonest business people try to make more money by buying things cheap and then making the prices high. Sometimes, groups of sellers decide to not have enough things to sell, so they can ask for more money. Bad government laws also make this happen sometimes. Some business people try to get rich in a bad way. They do things like smuggling and selling things illegally to make more money. Corruption like this is not often punished, so it keeps happening. Sometimes, there's not enough of something in the whole country, so the government can't control the prices. Global economy also affects the prices here.

The people who suffer the most from inflation are usually the poor and people with low incomes. This affects the things we need every day. When we think about how hard it is for these people, we should take action. We need to stop business people who make prices high just for their own gain. People should know about the bad things some people do to make prices go up. We need to help the government manage the markets. People who sell things illegally should be punished. We need to have enough things available for everyone. Otherwise, people will keep suffering. Business people need to make sure things are distributed fairly. All of us need to work together to solve this problem. So, it's really important for us to control the prices of things we need.
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