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Write a Paragraph on the topic 'Early Rising'

a) What gets up in the morning?
b) What gets up very early in the morning?
c) How important is it to stay healthy and feel good in your mind?
d) How does waking up early help you earn more money?
e) Which birds rise in the morning to bring the start of the day?

Early Rising

Answer: Getting up early in the morning means waking up from sleep early. This is good for you in many ways. It makes you healthy, wealthy, and smart. When you wake up early, you have time to enjoy the morning. You can go outside and breathe the fresh, cool air. This is good for your body and mind. Being healthy is important. When you wake up early, you have more time to work. You can do more and earn more money. People say it's better to sleep 12 hours before noon than 3 hours after noon. So, it's good to go to bed early and wake up early. This makes you healthy, wealthy, and smart.


Answer: Waking up early in the morning is a good habit. It helps you in many ways. When you wake up early, you have more time for work. You can finish your work before others wake up. Your mind and body are fresh in the morning. You can do some exercise in the cool air. This gives you energy. If you wake up early, you can finish your work on time. But if you don't wake up early, you might have problems. You could be late for work or miss important things. You might not feel well. Nature is beautiful in the morning. You can enjoy the birds' songs and the quietness. There is a proverb: "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." So, waking up early is good for you.


Answer: Waking up early means getting out of bed early in the morning. It's a good habit to have. It helps you in many ways. It makes you healthy and strong. When you wake up early, you have enough time to do your work. You don't need to hurry. But if you don't wake up early, you could have problems. You might be late for work or miss things. You might not feel well. Nature is beautiful in the morning. You can see the birds and flowers. The air is fresh and nice. Waking up early is good for your body and mind. There is a saying: "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." So, try to wake up early every day.
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