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Your favorite hobby

Every person has something they really enjoy doing. It makes them feel happy and excited. It's not what they have to do for their job. I also have something I love to do. It's gardening.

There are lots of different things people like to do in their free time. They sing, draw, read, collect stamps or coins, fish, garden, and more.

I really like flowers. So, I made a flower garden. It's right in front of our house. I planted small plants of roses, jasmines, hibiscus, sunflowers, and other flowers that grow at different times of the year. When the flowers open up and show their colors, a nice smell goes all around. I feel really happy. My garden looks nice, and people like looking at it. I'm proud of making such a pretty garden.

Every morning, I give water to the plants, dig the soil a little, and make sure the plants are okay. In the evening, I water them again. When there's no school or work, I spend time in the garden. I put a fence made of bamboo around the garden. This helps keep animals away so they don't ruin the garden.

I like my hobby because it makes me feel good. If I'm tired of studying or doing other things, I go to the garden. It makes me feel better quickly. It's a big source of fun and relaxing for me. I don't think any other thing I like doing can make me as happy as gardening. That's why gardening is my favorite thing to do.

There are many good things that come from my garden. Before I started the garden, I was often sick. I didn't feel like eating, and I was weak. But when I started working in the garden, I got healthier. Now I'm a strong and healthy person. Also, I grow vegetables in a small part of the garden. This helps my family save money on buying vegetables.

It's important to have something you enjoy doing. But we shouldn't spend all our time on it. We need to do our important tasks first, like work or school, and then we can do our favorite things when we have free time.
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