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Paragraph | How To Arrange A Picnic

Many of us often go on a picnic and enjoy much. But before going on a picnic we have to maintain some formalities. The formalities are as fo...

Paragraph | How To Make A Garden

Making a garden is a very interesting job. Many students have the hobby ofgardening. Again many students do not know how to make a garden. A...

Paragraph | How To Publish A School Magazine

A school magazine is a periodical circulation of the compositions of the students and teachers of a school. To publish a school magazine the...

Paragraph | How To Open A Bank Account

Very often we need to open an account in a bank to deposit our money. But many of us do not know how to open a bank account. To open a bank ...

Paragraph | How To Make A Cup Of Tea

Tea is a good drink no doubt. It removes our fatigue. We entertain our guests with a cup of tea. But many of us do not know how to make a cu...

Paragraph | How To Keep Books In Order

Every student should have different kinds of books because books are the storehouse of knowledge. One should follow some ways to keep books ...

Paragraph | Hazrat Muhammad (sm)/ The Messenger Of Allah

Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) is the last Prophet of Allah and leader of all prophets. He is the greatest of men and teachers ever born on earth. The...

Paragraph | Early Marriage

Early marriage means a wedding between a young any and a young girl before reaching puberty. The girls of the extreme poverty stricken famil...

Paragraph | The International Labor Organization (ILO)

ILO, the international Labor Organisation, is a worldwide organisation which is working to preserve the rights of the laborers and to facili...

Paragraph | Islam/ The Religion Of Peace

Islam is not only a religion but also a complete code of life.In the world Islam stands for peace, so Islam is a religion of peace as it ens...

Paragraph | Brain Drain

When skilled and experienced people leave the country and work in other countries and stay there, its is called brain drain. In our country ...

Paragraph | Global Warming

Global warming is the increase of world's average temperature, mainly in the sector of atmosphere, seas and the land on Earth. here are ...