Not long ago, Bangladesh became its own country. It's not very big and it's still trying to become more developed. But it's facing a lot of issues, and one of them is really important for the whole nation.
Imagine if a lot of people lived in a small space. Well, that's what's happening in Bangladesh. Every day, more and more people are being born there. This is a big problem that's getting worse and nobody knows how to stop it.
Even though Bangladesh isn't large, there are so many people living there. The land is much smaller than the number of people. Picture this: around 850 people living in just one square kilometer. That's like having too many people in a tiny room!
More and more people are being born in our country very quickly. There are reasons why this is happening. Some people don't know about the problem of having too many people. They don't know about something called "family planning" that could help.
Also, some people believe in things that aren't true and that stop them from using family planning. People getting married when they're very young is another reason why there are so many people.
When there are too many people, things start to get hard. Having too many people around makes it tough for the country to get richer. It also makes the environment dirty and unhealthy.
While having a lot of people can be good for a country, now it's causing problems. There isn't enough food, places to live, good health, and jobs for everyone.
Having too many people is stopping the country from growing. If this keeps happening, Bangladesh will become very poor and people will have a really sad life soon. To stop this, people need to learn about family planning. Women should also get a chance to go to school.
But we can't just wait. We have to take action to control the number of people. People need to know about family planning and use it. Education is really important too. When people know more, they'll want to have fewer children. And things like TV, radio, and newspapers can help spread this information.
So, everyone in Bangladesh, including the government, needs to work together to stop the number of people from growing too much. It's really important, and we all need to do our part.