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Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about mosquito menace.

July 30, 2012
The Editor
The Daily Star

Dear Sir,

I hope you're doing well. I kindly ask if you could publish the letter below in your respected newspaper. 

Mosquito Troubles: A Big Issue in Cities

Hello! I want to talk about a big problem that's bothering people who live in cities - mosquitoes. These tiny insects are causing a lot of trouble. It's gotten so bad that it's making life really difficult for everyone. Students are finding it hard to focus on their studies. People can't even do their normal activities at home comfortably. Even sick people in hospitals are not safe from these annoying bugs. 

You see, our neighborhood is full of places like ponds and ditches where mosquitoes lay their eggs and make more mosquitoes. These places are like their homes. When the sun goes down, a bunch of mosquitoes enter our houses and start biting us. They drink our blood, which is not very nice. People try using things like sprays and coils to get rid of them, but those things don't work very well. 

Did you know that mosquitoes can spread different diseases like dengue, malaria, and elephantiasis? If these diseases spread a lot, they could hurt many people. The mosquitoes have made life really uncomfortable for us. 

I think the people who take care of our city should do something about this. They should clean up the ponds and use special sprays to kill the mosquitoes. Also, it's important for everyone who lives in the city to help out. We should all keep our neighborhoods clean so that mosquitoes don't have places to make their homes.

Thank you for reading my letter. I hope something can be done to make our city a better place to live.

Banani, Dhaka
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