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Essay Or Composition about Student Life/Duties of a student

Being a student is a big deal. It's the time when we're in school and learning stuff that'll help us later on. Imagine our minds are like soft clay that can be shaped in different ways. Just like a potter shapes clay into things, our experiences shape our character. Once our character is formed, it's not easy to change it, just like you can't change the shape of a pot once it's made. If we learn good things during this time, we'll become good grown-ups. But if we don't learn well, we might not turn out so good. So, we should be careful and learn well while we're students.

Things we should learn
As students, we have lots of things to learn. Our main job is to study and learn at school. Being a good person is important because people like us when we're nice. To be nice, we should learn discipline. Discipline helps us be obedient, on time, hardworking, polite, and patient. Another big thing is to keep trying even if we fail. Time is precious, so we shouldn't waste it by being lazy. Staying healthy is also super important because without good health, life is tough. We should listen to our parents and teachers because it's a good thing to do. And don't forget, being friendly at school helps us learn how to work together and be considerate, but we should be careful not to hang out with the wrong crowd.

Closing thoughts
Being a student is the coolest part of our life. Right now, we should focus on studying and having fun. Other things shouldn't distract us. As students, we don't have as many worries, and life feels good and simple. But to make sure we have a happy and successful future, we need to do our student duties well. By doing that, we can look forward to a really good life ahead.
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