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Duties of A Student Composition

Students spend a certain amount of time in schools to gain knowledge. This time is called student life and it marks the beginning of a perso...

Composition | The Uses of Computer in Everyday Life

Computer Computer in our daily lives is truly a wonderful gift from science. It is constantly updated to improve our lives. In fact, it'...

The Game I Like Most Composition

The Game I Like Most /Your Favourite Game My preferred game is soccer. It brings me immense pleasure. It is also not costly. Soccer excites ...

Your Dream Job Composition

My Dream Job From the very childhood I cherish a dream and it is that in the future, I will be a teacher. It is my future plan and it is my ...

Your Hobby Composition

My Hobby Or, My Favorite Hobby Hobby signifies an individual's preferred pursuit, separate from their primary occupation. While it may n...

Women's Contributions To The Development of our Country Composition

Women's Role in Advancing Our Nation's Development Allah has created both man and woman with equal capabilities, without drawing any...

World Cup Cricket In Bangladesh Composition

World Cup Cricket In Bangladesh Cricket is an immensely enjoyable outdoor sport, gaining widespread popularity in our country, despite not b...

Village Games Composition

Village Games In every nation of the world, games and sports are ingrained as a vital part of life, just like food and drink. While a man sa...

Value of Time Composition

Value of Time An age-old saying proclaims that time and tide wait for none. Since the inception of civilization, time has been incessantly m...

Uses & Abuses of Satellite TV Composition

Uses & Abuses of Satellite TV Television - the most common and widespread source of entertainment in the present world. Television now b...