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An Application For Opening a Charitable Dispensary

Date: 29th January, 2014

To: Deputy Commissioner
District: Jamalpur

Subject: Request for a Medical Center in Flood-Hit Rupgonj

Dear Sir,

I am writing to talk about the floods that recently happened in Rupgonj, in your area. This flood was worse than any before. The people who were affected are having a really hard time. Many, many people don't have homes anymore. A lot of them are staying on rooftops, boats, and walls that hold back water. They don't have enough food or clean water to drink. They are getting sick with diseases like cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, and dysentery. These diseases are spreading really fast among the people. They really need medicine to get better. But the problem is, there is no place in the village where they can get medicine for free.

A lot of people have died because they didn't get the right treatment. This is really sad. So, I think it's really important to open a place where people can get medicine without paying a lot of money. This place is called a charitable dispensary.

I'm hoping you can understand how bad the situation is. We really need a charitable dispensary in Rupgonj. This would help the people who are suffering so much.

I'm writing this on behalf of the people of Rupgonj, Jamalpur. I really hope you can help us by opening a charitable dispensary here.

Thank you for listening.

Atiqur Rahman
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