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An Application For More Relief's For The Cyclone Affected People

Date: 6 January 2013

Deputy Commissioner,
Bagerhat District

Subject: Request for additional help for cyclone-affected people

Dear Sir,

I am writing on behalf of the people living in Shoronkhola, which falls under your district. I want to bring to your attention the severe impact of the recent cyclone in our area. It has caused widespread devastation, resulting in the loss of lives and homes for thousands of people. Many are now homeless, forced to live outdoors. The cyclone has also destroyed all the crops in the fields, leaving people starving and struggling to survive. Famine and epidemics have become widespread problems, worsening the situation for everyone.

The current government relief efforts are insufficient to support the suffering community. There is a desperate scarcity of essential items such as food, drinking water, medicine, and clothing. The lives of hungry people have become extremely miserable due to this situation. Therefore, we urgently need more aid and support to help the distressed people stay alive.

Considering the gravity of the situation, I earnestly request you to provide additional relief to the people of Shoronkhola and assist them in this challenging time.

Thank you for your attention and understanding.


On behalf of the residents of Shoronkhola, Bagerhat.
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