An Application For Relief For The Flood Affected People
Questions: Imagine a recent flood hit your area, causing great havoc. Many people lack basic necessities like food, clothes, and drinking water. Now, write a simple letter to the deputy commissioner asking for help for the flood-affected people in your area.
5 January, 2013
To the deputy commissioner,
Subject: Request for help for the flood-affected people
Dear Sir,
We, the people of Homna Uplazilla, want to tell you about the flood that recently hit our area. It's the worst flood we've ever experienced, and many people are suffering. Thousands are homeless and living without food and clothes. Diseases like cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, and dysentery are spreading.
The situation is very sad, and we urgently need food, shelter, clothes, medicines, and clean water. The help we received from the government and NGOs is not enough. We need more relief goods to support the distressed people.
Kindly send sufficient relief goods immediately to ease their suffering and help us in this difficult time.
Yours truly,
The inhabitants of Dulalpur union.
Question: Imagine your area was affected by a recent flood, and many people are suffering due to lack of food, clothes, and drinking water. Now, write a simple letter to the UNO (United Nations Organization) requesting relief goods for the flood-affected people in your area.
28 January, 2014
To the UNO
Shibaloy, Manikgonj
Subject: Request for relief goods for flood-affected people
Dear Sir,
I want to inform you about the recent flood that has affected our area. The situation is dire, and many people are facing hardships. Thousands have lost their homes, and they are in urgent need of food, clothes, and medicine. Clean drinking water is scarce, and diseases like cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, and dysentery are spreading.
I sincerely pray and hope that you can kindly provide sufficient relief goods to alleviate their suffering and help the people of Hhimulia union, Shibaloy, Manikgonj.
Yours faithfully,
A K M Anower
On behalf of the people of Hhimulia union, Shibaloy, Manikgonj.