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Story | A Cat And The Mice

Once upon a time a large number of mice lived in a farm. One day an old cat arrived at the place. It spread terror among the mice. None came outside in fear of being killed by the cat. All the mice decided to hold a conference to seek a solution. Taking advantage of the cat's absence, one day the mice of all ages got together in the conference. Each one put forward a suggestion, but none of the ideas was really practical.
At last, a mouse, wiser than others, waving a bell, called for silence. "We'll tie this bell to the cat's neck, and then well always know where she is! We'll have time to escape. All of the mice clapped at the wise mouse's words and everyone congratulated him on his good idea. However, the wise mouse rang the bell again for silence. "We must decide who's going to bell the cat," he said. All the mice kept silent. No mouse came forward to materialise the idea and the conference ended in smoke.

Moral: Who is to bell the cat?

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