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Story | The Kindness Of Hazi Mohammad Mohsin

Hazi Mohammad Mohasin was a very kind man. He had vast property. He spent all his property for mankind.
One night while he was sleeping in his room, a thief entered the room. Suddenly Hazi Mohammad Mohasin woke up. He saw the thief and asked him what he was doing there. The thief replied that he was stealing. Hazi Mohammad Mohasin asked him why he was stealing. The thief replied that his family had been starving for two days. As Hazi Mohammad Mohasin was a kind man, he set the thief free. Then he gave him the keys of his safes. He also told him to take as much money and gold as he could. When the thief unlocked the safes, he found a lot of money and gold. He took some money and gold. He went to his house. He used them for his family. Thus he became a good man for the kindness of Hazi Mohammad Mohasin.

Moral : Kindness is a great virtue.

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