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Story | A Dutiful Son

There was a military officer named Casabianca, and he had a very obedient son. Once, Casabianca and his son were on a ship. The ship was sailing smoothly without any problems. But suddenly, the enemy attacked the ship. Casabianca assigned his son to a spot on the deck. However, some time later, Casabianca was captured by the enemy and killed. Unfortunately, his son had no knowledge of this. He remained steadfast in his duty. The ship was set on fire during the attack. Everyone, except the boy, fled from the fire. Since he didn't receive any orders from his father, the boy stood firmly on the burning deck. He called out to his father again, hoping to receive some guidance. But there was no response from his father or anyone else. He refused to leave without his father's command. He believed that duty comes first, even if it means sacrificing his own life. The flames from the fire quickly engulfed the entire ship, and the boy was also surrounded by the fire. Yet, he remained resolute. This loyal and dutiful boy was lost at sea forever. He loved his duty more than his own life.

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