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Story | A Guilty Conscience Dreads His Own Shadow

In the days of yore, there lived a Sheikh called Moosa. One day a guest came to him, lie had a bag full of gold coins. While he was asleep in the night someone stole the money. The guest reported the theft to his host. The Sheikh asked his servants about the theft and they denied having stolen it. As evening began to approach, Sheikh Moosa got his donkey saddled and went out for a ride. In the evening he came with a wooden board and laced it in his tent. Then he called all his servants and asked them to go one by one into the tent and to place his hand on the board. He told them that the board was a magic board and it would turn the hand of the thief black. After all the servants had gone inside the tent and come out the Sheikh made them stand in a row and ordered them to Stretch out their hands. He smelled the hands of all the servants and then grabbed one of them by the collar and ordered him to produce the stolen hag. The servant began to weep and trembling with fear brought the bag. In the evening the guest asked his host how he was able to find out the culprit. The Sheikh replied that he had rubbed the board with a fragrant lotion. Every one touched the hoard hut the culprit did not. So the hand of the culprit did not give out the smell of the lotion and lie Wits caught.

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