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Story | A Lucky Escape

It was a sunny and cool Friday morning. Bangladesh Biman Airlines flight BG 003, carrying 250 passengers and a crew of 12, took off from Zia International Airport. It was a direct flight with a short stop in Dubai. The takeoff went very smoothly. Once the seatbelt signs were turned off, the passengers relaxed. The flight attendants started serving food to the passengers when suddenly a voice came over the loudspeaker, saying that the plane had entered a strong wind vortex. This immediately caused panic among the passengers. The pilot instructed everyone to fasten their seatbelts. Before the announcement ended, the plane started to experience turbulence. Some of the older passengers became very anxious and started praying for help. The children and women began crying. Suddenly, it felt like the plane was descending rapidly. Everyone became even more anxious and started to lose hope. There was chaos and fear everywhere. It seemed almost impossible to survive. However, after about one or two minutes, the plane stabilized and resumed its normal flight. Everyone thanked God for their safety. Finally, the plane landed at Heathrow Airport, though it was half an hour behind schedule. Nevertheless, all the passengers were relieved and happy because they had all arrived safely.

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