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Story | Seikh Saadi And The Robbers

Sheikh Sadi was traveling to Baghdad with a group of rich merchants. He had a bunch of books and some money with him. The merchants also had their stuff and a lot of money. They traveled for twelve days without any trouble. But on the thirteenth day, some robbers attacked them. The robbers took all the money and valuable things from the merchants. One of the robbers caught Saadi and asked him to give him what he had. Saadi gave him the bundle of books and said, "I hope you will use these books well." The leader of the robbers was surprised by his words. He asked Saadi how he could use the books. Saadi told him to give the books to his children and hire a good teacher for them. Then they would teach him how wrong it is to take other people's money. The leader felt sorry for what he had done. He gave back all the money and stopped being a robber.

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