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Story | A Man Who Digs A Pit For Others Falls Into It

There were three friends who wanted to get rich. One day they started on a journey in search of a chance to make a lot of money. They had to pass through a forest. In the forest, by chance they found a bag of gold under a stone. Each of them wanted to take this bag, and soon they started to quarrel. In a strange way, some time later, they decided to divide the gold equally among themselves. The three men were feeling very Hungry. One of them got ready to bring food from a village market. He started for the market. On the way, he thought of taking all the gold in the bag himself. He bought some food and mixed poison with it. He wanted to kill his friends with this food to get the gold. The third friend returned with the food. In his absence the other two men had made a plan to kill him. Clearly they wanted to take all the gold themselves. So, they easily killed him with their knives. Afterwards they ate the food. They died because of the poison in it. This story teaches us that anyone who digs a pit for others falls into it himself.

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